Whole30 week 4: food prep + meal planning {Bonus: Memorial Day menu}

I am in the home stretch in my Whole30, 7 more days. I will go more into detail in my WIAW post this week on how week 3 went. {spoiler alert! It did NOT go well!}

You know what I realized after writing four consecutive weeks of these food prep posts? I eat a lot of the same foods EVERY.SINGLE.DAY! I feel like the only meals that change are my dinners and that is only if I make every thing I say I am going to make for that week and not have it spill over to the following week. {sorry I know that was a run on sentence, deal with it!} Yes, this is my life. I contemplate a lot about what I am going to eat each day. Living a Paleo lifestyle has made me much more aware of what I am eating and how often I eat.

Enough of the chit-chat! On to the food!

whole30 week 4 food prep

Food Prep:



  • sweet potato hash w/fried eggs + bacon +avocado
  • veggie omelet + avocado


  • salame {Applegate} + Paleo deviled eggs + black olives + pickles + sauerkraut
  • chicken/apple sausage {Applegate} + pickles +sauerkraut + coleslaw + fruit (melon)



  • Paleo deviled eggs
  • almonds
  • applesauce
  • fruit/melons
  • banana or apple with almond butter
  • bacon
  • avocado
  • iced buttered coffee


{Memorial weekend menu}

Whole30 week 4: Food prep + memorial day menu

Since we got propane for our grill a couple of weeks ago, we have been grilling every weekend since. This weekend we had some ribs since they were on sale on our grocery store. We used Primal Palate’s recipe for a dry rub and their method of slow roasting the ribs first in the oven at 225 for 4 hours. We finished off the ribs on the grill for only 10 minutes or so, the meat was literally falling off the bone when we took them out of the oven. To go with the ribs, I made {The Clothes make the Girl} Paleo coleslaw, grilled balsamic marinated zucchini and cut up some watermelon and cantaloupe.

Did you do any grilling this weekend?

Thank you to all the past, present and future men and women who have served our country and fought for our freedoms.

Follow me: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest

Look for these upcoming posts this week:

Toddler Tuesday: Activities to do with your kids in Southern California

WIAW: What I ate…week 3 on my Whole30 {Bonus recipe: Iced buttered coffee}


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2 Responses to Whole30 week 4: food prep + meal planning {Bonus: Memorial Day menu}

  1. This is still way more varied than my diet. I never thought Paleo was for me but I did buy the book It Starts with Food this weekend and am working my way through it. I am not saying if I will do this or not, I’m not that far along but so far I like all the science behind it.

    • Before I got into Paleo I had some major misconceptions about the diet. That book is a great resource for becoming familiar with the paleo lifestyle. Let me know how you liked the book!

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