{Baby #2 announcement!} I’m training for another “marathon” but, not the kind you think!

Hi all!

I hope you still remember me?!

I am popping in to announce that I am currently pregnant with baby #2!!!!

baby2 accouncement

Today we finally made it “Facebook official” as the kids call it these days 🙂

Earlier in the week I had my most recent ultrasound with the Perinatal doctor (high risk) and able to hear the heartbeat and see this little nuggets’ legs, arms, head, etc.

Tomorrow I will be 14 weeks and officially into the 2nd trimester!! It already feels like an eternity since I found I was pregnant. I guess that is what happens when you find out at 4 weeks, it makes for a very lonnnnngggggg 1st trimester!

Of course, we are thrilled. Z (my son) doesn’t quite understand the whole concept yet. I know it will be a huge life changing event for him once baby #2 comes since Z and I have been buddies for the last 3 1/2 years. He has been my little side kick, my partner in crime and it actually makes me a little sad thinking about it all but, in the next 5-6 months I want to take advantage of the time we do have just the two of us and do as much stuff as I can with him!


So, you are probably wondering about my running?! maybe not?! well I will tell ya anyway 🙂

Yes, I am still running. I haven’t taken time off since I found out the news. I had a short time where I had a little morning sickness here and there and finally figured out that the vitamin D I was taking was making me feel this way. Since I stopped this particular vitamin D supplement the nausea went away instantly! AT 11 weeks, I ran the OC half marathon and felt really good throughout the whole race. I took my time, walked the hills and didn’t focus on a goal time which made the whole race a lot more relaxing. who knew?! My average pace per mile is about 1-1.5 min slower than pre-pregnancy. As long as I feel good and my body allows me to continue to run then that is what I plan to do. My doctor is 100% on board with me running.

Other workouts?

I am still going to Stroller Strides every morning and trying to weight train 2x a week at home. I want to keep up my fitness level for as long as possible before I have to stop.

My motto is: As long as I am physically able to run/workout/exercise then that is what I plan on doing.

Pregnancy Updates?

I haven’t decided if I will do the whole monthly updates or not. Obviously, I don’t have a great track record of blogging regularly so I don’t even want to commit to that. Honestly, I would like to just for my own personal journal of these coming months. We will see what happens….

Here is a not so flattering photo of me that I took yesterday in my new LuLaRoe maxi skirt, which I am already in love with!

13 week pic

If you want to follow me through out the next 5-6 months, make sure to go to my FB page and Instagram!

Question for my pregnant runners! Were you able to run throughout your pregnancy? for how long?

Any other preggos out there??

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15 Responses to {Baby #2 announcement!} I’m training for another “marathon” but, not the kind you think!

  1. Amber Valenzuela says:

    Super cute picture!!!! 🙂

  2. sarahdudek80 says:

    Congrats, congrats, congrats! Super exciting! I am currently pregnant with my first and am at 25 1/2 weeks. I have been running between 30-40 something miles per week and coaching a lot. Sunday I coached a half marathon and ended up doing 16 miles! Yikes! I run about a minute per mile slower now and my doctor is also totally on board as long as everything keeps going well. Personally I found it to be very helpful for my morning sickness. It also helps me with my habit of eating a lot of dessert right now too. 😉 I LOVE that skirt. It just looks so cute on you!

    • yay!!! Congrats Sarah!!! I totally haven’t been reading blogs, obviously :/ I am a little behind on the news !
      That is great to hear you are still able to keep up with your running and coaching!! Do you know what you are having or waiting to find out?

      • sarahdudek80 says:

        Thank you so much. We are going to wait and have it be a surprise. We are very excited. It took us awhile to get here and we had some bummers along the way so this is a blessing….as it always is. Looking forward to following your pregnancy!

  3. Congratulations! Enjoy this special time

  4. julie says:

    You look wonderful! Happy your feel good, wait till you see my 39 week belly! It’s hilarious!

  5. Congratulations, Lindsey! So happy you’re feeling well, and able to continue with your running and other workouts!

  6. Congratulations, it’s so great to hear you are still running! I came across this blog as I am a runner who has recently made the decision to try and start a family with my husband and I am very curious to find out the experiences of running mum-to-bes. B

    • Thank you! and thank you for stopping by! I am going to try to recap my running throughout the pregnancy, hoping a couple months or so. Still running strong, right now!

  7. Marnie @ SuperSmartMama says:

    I’ve been away for awhile (taking care of baby #2!) so a delayed congrats! I’ll try and look for updates on FB and IG!!

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