Toddler Tuesday series #1: Gardening (How to start your toddler’s first garden)

Here I am again with another new series! I told you I have so many ideas but, not enough time. This series is exactly what it sounds like; a series based around toddler aged kids. I won’t have a new post every Tuesday but, at least once a month. The topics can range from snack ideas, crafts, learning activities, outdoor adventures, basically anything that Z (my 2 yr old son) is doing these days.

how to start your toddler's first garden

For those of you who follow me on IG and saw the picture of Z watering his new garden then you already know where this is going. Yes, Z’s first garden! Well, maybe I didn’t think it through very well….

A 2-year-old + dirt + water = a huge hot mess!

For a while I have been wanting to try and grow vegetables and herbs in our backyard but, just never took the time to go out to the home improvement store to buy everything until a few weeks ago.

This whole project was more for my benefit then Z’s. I knew he would like playing in the dirt and that is exactly what he did. My hubby made the comment when we were out buying all the plants that we should just give him a pile of dirt and a little shovel; he won’t know the difference. That is probably true and that is basically what went down. I did all the “real” work. Z really enjoyed taking the potting soil from the “planter” and proceeded to put the dirt directly onto the patio. By the end of this whole project, basically half of our patio was covered in potting soil but, Z had fun and that is what counts.

Here is what we needed to start our garden:

  • Potting soilGardening with a toddler
  • Small fence (to keep toddler and dog from messing with the plants)
  • Vegetable + herb plants (any variety)
  • “portable” patio planter (found one with wheels at Lowes)
  • Small shovel
  • Watering can

Important information before planting:

  • Read the instructions on each plant: how many hours of  sun/shade needed each day, how much sun needed (full/partial/shade), how often to water and the amount of room each plant will need between others.
  • Group plants that have the most similarities (refer to above).

Step 1 in gardening with a toddler

step 2 in gardening with a toddler

step 3 in gardening with a toddler

***note: In between steps 2 and 3, make sure to exactly put the plants in the soil. I did that part and didn’t think you wanted to see pictures of me doing that 🙂

Final instructions:

  • Make sure you have watered all the plants;  soil is nice and moist. Z was determined to water each individual plant and spent a good amount of time watering each one.
  • Check the plants about every other day for watering. Always make sure the soil is moist but, not completely soaked to where the plants get water-logged. Z really enjoys going out in the backyard and checking the plants. I’m excited to see his reaction when he gets to pick his first vegetables off of the plants.

Final product

That’s it! Honestly I think I enjoyed putting the garden together more than Z did. He was very content with his shovel, a small pot and some dirt.

Do you have a garden? What are you growing?

Have you tried having your toddler grow his own vegetables?

Are you following me on Facebook yet? If not, head on over and “like” my page! I share recipes, articles, etc and occasionally post Questions of the Day! This afternoon I posted an “assignment” for you! The assignment is to take a picture of what you are having for dinner and post it on my FB page along with the link to the recipe/instructions. I may post your dinner photos on here in the near future! If you missed that question you can post any time the rest of the week! It’s a fun way to get new ideas for meals!

Don’t forget to follow me:





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16 Responses to Toddler Tuesday series #1: Gardening (How to start your toddler’s first garden)

  1. bemomstrong says:

    Hi! Now, before I start a toddler garden, I need to learn gardening myself. Im horrible but have always wanted one. Maybe this spring before baby #2 comes will be my time? I want her to know where things come from so why not… great idea!

    • Thanks for stopping by! I am horrible at gardening too. I can never keep anything alive! I have one house plant that surprisingly has been around for 27 yrs (a plant my mom got when my brother was born) but I have personal have had it for a couple years now. I can’t kill it now!

  2. Sarah M. says:

    How adorable, and fun!! Can’t wait to do this with my son we he gets a little older!

  3. runsaltrun says:

    I love this! No toddler gardeners yet, but it’s been so brutally cold here that there’s no point in trying it yet. Maybe I will have her help me grow some things on the patio this summer! God knows she loves to throw dirt around.

  4. Annie says:

    I love this! I’m going to buy one of those things on wheels today! Of course, we still have some cold days ahead 😦 so I may have to wait a little bit but I never knew those existed and would be the perfect size for my kids to take care of! Love it!

  5. Jennifer says:

    Adorable post! I will have to share this with my cousin who has a 2.5 year old who would probably enjoy this.

  6. Meghan @ fitnesscrEATures says:

    You are such a creative mama bear!!! Z looks like he is loving every moment of this gardening with you!! SO CUTE! And such a cool thing to do with him! Also, PS, super cute dog! What kind of a dog is that?? I am so jealous that you have the space to be able to garden. Apartment living isn’t really cut out for gardening at all. Have a fab Monday!!

    • Haha mama bear! I love it! Thanx, he is a bearded collie mix. He has tons of energy! We get his fur trimmed about 3x a day otherwise he would really look like a pure bred bearded collie. Funny story, we bought him off of Craig’s list and was told he was half lab and half golden retriever. Haha obviously he isn’t . Oh well, we love him all the same! Happy Monday to you too!

  7. Pingback: Toddler Tuesday: Coffee and play-date + {Paleo} mini pumpkin pie recipe! | onemotherofaday

  8. Pingback: Pin-it Party #5: Five {current} pin-able posts! | onemotherofaday

  9. Pingback: Toddler Tuesday: Places to take your kids in Southern California | onemotherofaday

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