Pin-it Party #3!

Today started the 3rd Pin it party over at Lindsay’s The Lean Green Bean blog! I maybe a little late to the party, but better late than never! Right?!

pin it party Pin It Party 3


The rules of this party are simple:

  • pick 5 pin-able posts that you want to see on Pinterest
  • Write a post to link those 5 together in one place
  • Head on over to Lindsay’s TLGB blog and link your post to the party
  • Check out some other cool posts and see what you want to pin on Pinterest
  • Thanks it!! If you don’t have a blog then have no fear, you will just have more time to pin away to your heart’s content!!
  • Have fun!!

These are my 5 pin-able posts:

PicMonkey Collagedays1-6whole30Whole30: What, How, Why, When and Where?

Have you been curious about the Whole30? Aren’t sure about the whole Paleo world? I give some easy tips and advice on how to get started including food prep and meal planning ideas!





Never in a Million Years  

Need some new tunes to get you motivated on a run or workout? check out what I have been listening to during my marathon training!




PicMonkey Collagedays21-30Recap of Whole30: I finished!

I talk about how I felt after I finished and some of my favorite eats during the whole30! I also have some links to great recipes including ones from PaleOMG, Paleo Parents (Beyond Bacon) and Melissa Joulwan (The Clothes Make the Girl blog).




PicMonkey Collageicedtoddysteps

Sunday Food Prep week of July 14-20 + Iced Toddy

I give step by step instructions on how to make cold brewed coffee!! Summer isn’t over yet! Still a few more days to get your iced coffee fix!




PicMonkey Collagehatchchiles

Monday Food Prep 8/18-8/23/13 + Hatch Chile Time!

Hatch chiles are in season! I give easy directions on how to roast the chiles and a few different recipes to use them in.

Hope you enjoyed these Pin-able posts!! Now go start pinning away!!

Are you on Pinterest? If not, where have you been?

Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest too!!

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7 Responses to Pin-it Party #3!

  1. I feel I am not smart enough for this party. I’ll party over here by myself.

  2. Kudos to you for joining the Pin It Party! I’m almost afraid to do this because I’ll get sucked into the Pinterest black hole even deeper! 🙂

  3. Pingback: Create. | has pinterest set the feminist movement back 40 years? | Antlers & Octopus

  4. Pingback: Pin-it Party #5: Five {current} pin-able posts! | onemotherofaday

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